Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Bestest Birthday Gift Ever!!!

Thursday afternoon was my 34th birthday. My friends snagged me last Saturday and surprised me with a fantastic Pirate Party and really ya'll, as far as I was concerned it doesn't get better than dressing up like a pirate and acting silly in public with your closest friends... but boy, was I wrong...

Two of my dearest friends, Brad and Rachel, have been waiting for a long time for their son to come home to them from South Korea. The adoption has been a long process, with a lot of tears and joy mingled throughout. Needless to say, we (them, their family and friends) were anxious for Matthew to be in their arms.

Last Monday Rachel received a phone call from the adoption agency that said Matthew would be coming home on Thursday (my birthday... I KNOW, how cool is that?) We were a couple of the friends they asked to witness this miraculous moment and oh, the sweetness of it all.

Grab a tissue (or 10), sit back and enjoy an evening and birthday I will never forget!

Chad drove a van full of girls to Chicago!! Yeah for road trips!

This is me and Joanna and Sara

This is the Chicago traffic... Yeah for rush hour! Ha!

This is the Chicago skyline and let me just say almost impossible to capture in a moving vehicle on the expressway. But finally all those darn semis got out of the way...

The board showed that Matthew's plane had landed and we were just waiting for the "arrived"

One of the 50 best and totally unrateable moments of the night was when Brad gasped "There his is"!

In his Momma's arms... right where he is supposed to be.

Oh the joy!!

Father and son!

A family of 3

The new Hunt family of 3 along with the couple that escorted Matthew from South Korea

A precious moment during a prayer. The sweet man from South Korea wanted to pray for their family. Not an eye was dry. It was so beautiful to hear him praying in his native language for this new family.

And this is the eye candy... can you hardly stand it. He is so beautiful!

Congratulations dear friends! You finally have your little boy!!


  1. Such a great day! You captured it beautifully! So glad we were able to be there together.

  2. I saw this on rachel's blog, but you just can't get enough....precious!!! I have had the thrill of being there with 3 of my friends....priceless.

    what an awesome birthday!

    i am surprised though that you didn't have your pirate gear on in the car!!!

  3. Awwww! He is SO cute! I am glad you had a good birthday!

    Love you!


  4. I am so glad you all blogged about it. Every time I see pictures and hear read about the day I get all teary. God is so good!!!

  5. Hi Kristy-

    Stan and Sue from Canada here!...
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Ya, that looks like it was a really great birthday trip.. and Matthew IS the bomb! :)

    See you soon!

    Stan and Sue!

  6. Wow I'm wiping away the tears! I can't imagine what it must have been to experience that moment in person. My cousin & her husband adopted a little boy from Guatemala and the process was really long too! He was 3 by the time they finally brought him home with them.

    What a great way to spend your birthday!


Hey Peeps! I hope you enjoyed your visit. Please feel free to leave me comments. I enjoy reading every one!