Friday, November 28, 2008

The Day After Thanksgiving

Well, I am a scrapbooker and a blogger, I Twitter and I have a Facebook page. You would think that will all the ways I document our family life and share it with our loved ones and friends that I would have taken at least one photo on Thanksgiving Day. You would be wrong. Not one. And, it isn't the first time. Seriously.

Anyway, I started coming down with a sinus bug yesterday. You know, it all starts with a little scratch in the throat and a tickling cough. I woke up today with a headache that lasted for nearly 8 hours and was getting worse by the minute. Finally, after a two hour nap and two rounds of Advil, several courses of Zicam and some Echinacea, I am starting to feel a little more like myself. My big plan was to clean the house, get the fall decorations put away and put up our Christmas tree. Instead, I dusted the living room, put the fall decorations away and have tubs of Christmas decorations clogging up the computer space. It will get done tomorrow. I promise. Then, I can take pictures (although, I won't be posting them until the 15th, see the button on the sidebar).

I hope that you all had a blessed Thanksgiving. We certainly enjoyed our time with family (even though we don't have ANY pictures). There is always next year right?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Look What Arrived Just in Time, Almost.....

As I was fiddling with Twitter today I heard the very distictive sound of the UPS truck in our neighborhood (it is a lovely sound). Usually, the delivery is made to our door... aghem... so I quickly ran downstairs to see what it was (not that I get an overly abundant amount of UPS packages, but we have been doing some online Christmas shopping, you know, in case you were wondering) ANYWAY, this is the sight that greeted me.

... except this is out the back yard and not really at all where I was looking.

Along with this box

Which contained these

... without the red sweatpant covered legs. Those were added at our house.

It would have been great to have been able to send them off to school with Jacob today so he wouldn't have to freeze his little toes off in his sneakers. I am, however, not always the best at planning ahead. But I do try.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Yeah, yeah, I know. I have been gone for a while. But, I'm back. I just haven't had anything profound to say (not that I ever do) and our daily life has just been sorta normal. Not a lick out of whack and nothing exciting. But here we are and I felt like I should update you on our lack of updates. But, before I could we had something rather exciting happen at Yellow House and I get to share it with you. Are you ready?

Lets start with a little story. A little story of a little first grade boy who was teased at school. Why would a sweet little first grade boy be teased at school? Well, apparently he was the only little first grade boy or girl (in his class) that hadn't yet lost a tooth. After today my friends he will be teased no longer.

Can you see the hole? Here, let me get closer for you...

You just need to know that in Yellow House lives the happiest little boy ever. He has been smiling and sticking his tongue through that hole since the tooth came out at lunchtime. He has been looking at himself in a little mirror and put the tooth under his pillow (for the tooth fairy) about an hour before bedtime. He even said that next time he wouldn't cry and he'd do the pulling himself.

Big milestones friends, big milestones.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cardboard Testimonies

I found this video by following a link on the Ministry So Fabulous blog and thought it was worth sharing.

Did I forget to mention you would need a box of tissues. My bad.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Just a Little Bit of Random.....

It is what I do best.

  • I just spent a wonderful morning with a great friend who inspires many everyday through her blog. We don't often get together (with or without) the kids, but we are going to attempt to do better because it was a lot of fun (and the pumpkin cheesecake wasn't too bad either).
  • I want to grow old gracefully, but the gray hair that glow at me when I look in the mirror are really making it hard.
  • I really love Bryan Adams (thank you Rachel).
  • I like to think that I am crafty, but I really need a good set of instructions.
  • I am a bit obsessive about everything having a place. I pretty much keep the whole plastic bin business a profitable venture. And, don't forget the labels.
  • Someday I want to jump out of an airplane (with a parachute of course!), but wouldn't bungee jump for anything.
  • When I balance my checkbook, I have to find every last penny. I can't let even one go.
  • I have really big feet.
  • There are many places in this world that I would like to visit: Jerusalem, Ireland, England, France, Italy, Egypt, New Zealand, but also in the states I would like to visit the redwood forest in northern California, the Grand Canyon, Yellow Stone National Park, New York City and Washington D.C.
  • I sometimes wish for a crazy adventure (think Indian Jones) but know without a doubt that I would be the girl that drove everyone crazy with her fear of rats, snakes and a whole lot of screaming.

That's all for now. I hope you have a blessed day.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Just a Little Update...

If you look to the right of the screen you will see a 7x7 prayer button. This will take you directly to Angie's blog and the scriptures that she and I and several hundred other people will be praying over our children during the next seven days. You may join us and use those, or come up with your own. The point is to pray for your children. Everyday, all day!!

Love and blessings to you dear friends.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What's Next?

I have been wondering "What's next?" for our country now that Mr. Obama is our President -elect. If left to my own devises, I tend to get a little melancholy over the whole situation. But, I am proud of the many Americans that took the time earlier this week to vote. I only had to wait in line for about 3 minutes, some had to wait in line for hours. Their commitment to this process is to be commended. I applaud all who recognized the privilege that we have in this country and saw it not only as such, but also as their civic duty. This is our country, it is ours to protect and care for. There are many men and women who have felt an even greater duty and at this time are serving the cause of freedom far away from the comforts of home and the love of their families. I am so thankful for them.

As I said, I have been a little melancholy over the results of the elections. But, yesterday I read (on the LPM blog) some great words of wisdom. (Oh, how I sometimes wish I was wise!) Beth very eloquently reminded me on this post that regardless of the outcome of the election there are some wonderful things to be thankful for. And on this post she reminded me what I can do now to support the future leader of this country (and of what God has to say about the whole "government" thing). It was good stuff. I think I am out of the melancholy stage and ready to do my part. I hope that you will join me.

Today I was reading Bring the Rain and Angie reminded me that I should be praying for my children. Now, I don't want you to get the impression that I don't ever pray for them, but to be honest, I don't pray as often as I should. I am going to join her (and many others) in Seven Prayers a Day for our children. It isn't too much to ask, and really, aren't we to pray without ceasing? I hope that you will pop over to her blog and check it out. I know that this will be a blessing to you and your children.

Finally, I haven't just been wishing I could change the world and reading other peoples bloggy goodness. On Tuesday my Mom and Dad came down and while my Dad stayed with Ethan, my Mom and I went and got some Christmas shopping done (and had a great lunch at Panera Bread, it is my favorite). After we got back we went outside to play in the leaves. The temperature outside was in the low 70's (not your typical November in Michigan) and we have a Sycamore tree that just loves dumping on our yard. It was a recipe for fun (and great pictures too). Here is the eye candy.....

Just in case you were wondering what the boys have in their mouths, it was vampire teeth that Jacob brought home from school on Monday. One of his classmates gave everyone a set of teeth. Jacob happened to get two and he very generously shared with Ethan. They have them in from the time they wake up until they go to bed (Ok, almost. I do make them take the teeth out for school and eating!)