Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ethan's Kindergarten Picnic

Here are the pictures I took at Ethan's Kindergarten picnic 2 days before school let out for the summer.  This child of mine is too cute for his own good.  I'm sure I wouldn't stick a camera in his face all the time if he wasn't.  Or, maybe I would anyway just because he's mine and I love him.

The picnic was held at a nearby park with a great play structure.  The kids had TONS of fun!!

Ethan and a couple classmates


How can you resist this cuteness?

The two of us!

I think this is where his patience for the camera wore out... 

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! Thanks for sharing, Darlin'! I always love hearing updates on those adorable (handsome!) boys you've got!

    PS: Duck-Duck-Goose is da bomb diggity.


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