Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Year of the Scarf Continues...

My good friend Rachel is hosting the second installment of the Year of the Scarf Bloggy Carnival today. If you haven't visited her blog, please do, just click the button up above or her name. Either way, you will reach her blog. If you are a scarf lover and wearer, upload some photos and link up.

Last time I participated in her Scarf Carnival I made a video. After I watched and posted that video, I thought maybe I shouldn't actually let people in the blogosphere know what I am really like. I mean, I do want you to keep coming back to read my nonsense and all. Anyway, I am way cooler when you can't here me talking. So, this time I have some photos.

First things first; my photographer is four years old. Yes, you heard me right, he's F.O.U.R. I think he did a pretty darn good job of operating a camera that is almost bigger than his head. I should point out that his head is rather large. Ahem... Second, it appears that I may be goofy all the time and not just when I speak. I know, a shock to my system as well.

This is my standard 'Ol wrap the scarf around the neck and let it hang where it may style...

No, I'm not wearing cute little sandals as Rachel suggested, I'm wearing flip-flops. But hey, at least they aren't tennis shoes.

This is the exact opposite of the first style.

See, it hangs in the back...

And here we are with our incognito look.

Now this can be worn for either thwarting the paparazzi that follow you around or if you are working for some type of agency that hunts down bad guys... very sneaky don't you think?

Now, throw on a scarf, snap some pictures and link up over at Rachel's blog and have some fun!


  1. You are too cute! I love your incognito look. Thanks for linking up! I do not feel like such a bloggy party looser now. ;)

    Don't you just love having the kiddos take our pics? Great job Ethan!

  2. You look really cute in those scarves, but I gotta tell you - here where it is 90+ degrees already, I don't care how few clothes I've got on. I am NOT putting a scarf around my neck!!!

  3. Ha! I laughed histarically at your incagnito look!

  4. I think I like the incognito look best on you. It gives you kind a sneaky look.... Of course all of the other ones look nice to... But still.... The incognito is my fav!

    Oh also I am very suprised at Ethans picture taking.

    Love you!


Hey Peeps! I hope you enjoyed your visit. Please feel free to leave me comments. I enjoy reading every one!