Thursday, September 2, 2010

Favorite Friday

Facial cleansers can be a tricky thing.  There are cleansers for normal skin, oily skin, acne prone skin, sensitive skin, old skin and even young skin.  Then, there are the make-up removers (which I have to admit I thought was included in the whole "cleanser" package).  There are eye make-up removers, facial make-up removers, oil based removers, and water based removers.  Its like maneuvering a hedge maze. 

Several years ago I came across what I consider the BEST facial cleanser/make-up remover ever made.  It is good for all skin types, all ages, women or men, and you can even use it to take off your eye make-up.  This little bottle of cleanser perfection?  Purity, by Philosophy. 

I order from, but you can also find it at Sephora or

Do you have a favorite product to share?  Either create a post and send me the link in the comments or just comment and tell me.  I love finding new great stuff!!!

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