Thursday, March 5, 2009

Well Hello There Mrs. Swarzenegger....

I am still doing the ChaLean Extreme workouts. I have to say that I am a bit amazed at the changes I have seen in my body in such a short time...not to mention the fact that I am not the best at following fitness programs... I tend to get a little overwhelmed by the commitment and underwhelmed by the amount of chocolate I'm allowed to eat. It's generally not a recipe I am willing to stick to, but this is good and I like it.

I have been doing the three weight workouts every week but not doing so good on the cardio. This week I'm going to throw in a little Turbo Jam just because I've been missing it. I haven't lost pounds, but my body fat has gone down a whole percent and I can actually see some muscle tone... even hubby has witnessed that phenomenon and has taken to calling me Mrs. Schwarzenegger...

I don't know about that, but the jeans that I'm wearing are a size that I haven't been in since I was a sophmore in highschool. And let's just get it out there... I haven't been in high school in a very long time.


  1. Keep it up!!!! Good for you!!! What a great feeling. My husband just called and asked if I wanted custard from Culver's. had to say no, tomorrow is weigh in day for Weight Watchers.

  2. Oh, good for you! Sigh...this is one area I struggle with so much. I haven't heard of this program, but it sounds like it is definitely working for you - I'll have to look into it.


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