Monday, March 2, 2009

It's Time to Break Out the Scarf!

Hello Scarf Lovers... Today is the day of Rachel's 2009 Year of the Scarf Bloggy Carnival! I made a little video post to go with today's carnival, but before you watch it, I have a few things to say...
  • I am a dork. I already knew this and had actually accepted it, but seeing myself on video has shown me a whole new level of dorkiness... I should have known... I do wear a plastic tiara every morning when I take my son to school. That should have been enough of a clue.
  • I did not forget the name of Rachel's blog... although it may actually appear that way. I am one of those people that has to say the whole set of Social Security numbers just to get to the last four. I had to say her old blog name in my head to get to the new one... I really did not forget. I promise.
  • Huge shout out to Angie for declaring 2009 the year of the scarf and to Big Mama for all the scarf tying tips... without you two ladies, I would not be so scarf savvy... and when you witness the dorkiness in the video, you will realize that I need all the savviness I can get!
  • Thank you to hubby who was a wonderful camera operator. He didn't even laugh at me. He is, apparently, already used to the level of dorkiness that I am now coming to terms with.


  1. You are so not dorky. You are a fashion maven.

    :) Loved the vlog!! I love your red scarf too. THey are all very pretty! AS are you. :)

  2. Krispy - you are cuter than cute! You totally rock the scarf, friend :)

  3. And now that you've done your first video blog, I'm sure you'll be doing more....not so bad, huh?

    Love your rainbow scarf! I need to update what I've got and everyone's coming up with incentives!!

    Nice to meet you!

  4. love the name of your blog! Cute scarf too.. We need it today in MI don't we? About 15 degrees here today!

  5. Enjoyed the Vlog, that was cute. I really like the muti-colored one, I need to get one of those.

  6. You are SOOO adorable!

    I need me a rainbow scarf to go with anything and everything!

  7. dorky you are not sweet and cute is more the word :)

    So glad you got a v-blogg up. it's kinda daunting at first isn't it - and all the words you were going to say just fly out of your head!

    so great Kristy and love the scarf. it goes awesomely with that green jumper :)

    oh and I am guilty of 'draw staying scarfs' that I have brought cause they are so pretty and never actually worn.

    I've also seen some girls that attach their light weight head scarves to their bags as a fashion accessory too - how random!

    and... cute accent :)

  8. It's a pleasure to meet you. I agree- this carnival was really fun! I have to admit I haven't brought my husband into my crazy blog projects for fear he would laugh too hard for me to concentrate. He's glad I've found such inexpensive entertainment though!

  9. PS I love love love the Channing quote on your aspiration. I'm with you all the way! Well said.

  10. I was thoroughly entertained with your vlog - I loved every second of it! You are so much fun...and your scarves are lovely.

    I think you need to do a video blog more do such a great job.

  11. So happy to see your scarfs in bloggy world! You are so cute! Thanks for sharing the history of our Carnival. With all that went on Sunday I don't really feel like I did enough to honor the scarves! I love you girl!

  12. I think your vidoe is awsome (For the first time I mean)

    Love you!


Hey Peeps! I hope you enjoyed your visit. Please feel free to leave me comments. I enjoy reading every one!