Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last Night...

... during dinner and just after Jacob let out a loud bit of gas (and just so we are clear, it wasn't a belch)...

he said "Mom, it must really be bad to be the only girl in a house with three boys". (three includes Daddy)

Me: "You don't have to rub it in".

Jacob: "But, you are very lucky to be loved by three boys".

Isn't he the sweetest thing? It is good to be loved by three boys, even if two of them do stink.

Does anyone know why little boys smell? Seriously... girls don't.


  1. no idea! I have one girl and 2 boys and I can smell their rooms half way up the stairs....even when they are clean!!!!! It's a mystery!

  2. My hubby feels the same way about being in the house with three girls and the dog (also female).

  3. Too cute! Loved all the pictures. And I think kids in general tend to smell--but yes, boys more so...whenever I pick my daughter up from preschool I wince...the room just smells stale


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