Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Growing up...

A few weeks ago Ethan went to Kindergarten Round-up. I have mixed feelings about his whole growing up and going off to school. If we've talked about it, I'm sure I've said that I can't wait for him to be in school... I can't wait to be able to get a full-time job (assuming there is one available) and help out financially... and I can't wait until the only hours that our house will be messy are between the hours of 4 and 8 pm... but, I also know that this is the end of my time alone with him (at least until Jacob goes off to college) and his last little bit of "babyness" and I want to enjoy every last bit. Every. Last. Bit.

I want to enjoy seeing his little legs dangling off the potty, but not yet reaching the floor...

and the way that he has to take off all of his clothes to go to the bathroom.

I want to enjoy the way he climbs up in the office chair behind me and plays with my hair all the while saying "Mommy, I love you and your cute!". I mean really, who wouldn't want to hear that everyday, all day long?

I want to enjoy the last few months of snuggling at naptime just because he wants to and I have nothing else I have to be doing.

I want to enjoy his giggles that are just for me.

And I want to enjoy silly faces and just plain goofiness....

I am looking forward to this summer more than any other. I am going to soak it all in and hoard the memories. He is changing and growing so fast, I want to enjoy it all.

**When he got home from Kindergarten Round-up he told me all about his "practice". He loved it and he even charmed the teachers. Mrs. B put a little note on the back of his name tag that said "He's such a sweetheart." Obviously he's only shown them one side of his personality...


  1. Snuggling at naptime is the best. They do grow up way too fast. I keep telling my kids they are disobeying me by continuing to grow. Enough, already.

  2. You are so right! Can you belive they are not going to have naps next fall! YIKES!!!

    I too am really looking forward to summer. I think missing all the evening fun will make me love it now all the more. Wanna come over for a bonfire?

  3. Rach -- you name the date and time and I'll be there with a bag of strawberry marshmallows...


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