Monday, October 27, 2008

I Was Tagged....

by my dear friend Rachel so here goes.

The rules of this game of tag are as follows:

1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Write 6 random things about yourself
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post (or as many as you want)
4. If you are tagged, just do it, and pass the tag along!
(Personally, I think this is a great way to learn things about people that just wouldn't normally come up in conversation!)

My 6 Random Things:

1. I sneeze 2 times every time I get up from the massage table.
2. I am not a morning person, but have recently found that coffee helps (exhibit A).
3. We have an obscenely large movie collection.

4. I have long legs and a short torso which makes buying pants tricky. They are either too short and I look ready for the flood, or the waist is up to my armpits. A big shout out to the creator of low-riders. All I have to do is take a tuck in the waist (which is really supposed to be by my hips) and I have a perfect fit!
5. I cried the other day when Jacob told me that he makes pinkie-promises with his friends at school. It is just a reminder that he is growing up before my very eyes.
6. I love color. I live in Yellow House and the inside is as happy as happy could be.

the kitchen

the dining/sun room

the living room

the bathroom (we do not have a shower it is tub baths for us!)

our bedroom

the boys room

as much as I would like to say that I painted that tree, I must admit to using a Popsicle stick and just
rubbing on a wall transfer (but, I did it all by myself!!)

I am also including some pictures of me I was unable to upload last time I was tagged because I didn't have a scanner (but, now I do). If you didn't read my random things last time, click this link and have a good laugh.

this is me and Rusty(yes, he became burgers and I enjoyed them)

this was my first cow, Bessie (she is also the only one that I would ride, I called her my racing cow)

I am tagging: Rachel, Wendi, Sarah, and that will have to be all because, I just don't know that many bloggers.

Have a great day!!


  1. Kristy!! Those pictures are the best ever. :)
    You are so cute. Love your random things. :)
    I love your sentimentality. Partly because then I know I'm not the only one who would cry at pinkie promises and boys growing up way too soon...

  2. Laughing OUT LOUD about the cow pictures! I love your colored house - it is so cheerful and spunky (just like you!). Those were some great random things you posted - I think they were all new to me!

  3. You are so cute! Love the Racing Cow. You must addmit Racing is in your blood!

    I love all your color! I am slowly working to get your color into my house. Slow but sure!

  4. Love random posts. You get to know more about the person than you would have known before.

    Loved the pinkie-promise. That is definitely growing up.

    The house is cute as a button.

    Thanks for the blog visit. I see we have a lot of the same blog friends. Nice to meet you.


Hey Peeps! I hope you enjoyed your visit. Please feel free to leave me comments. I enjoy reading every one!