Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why does it seem so hard?

*update* I just wanted to ask if you would be willing to join in a prayer vigil for baby stellan and his family (their link is to the right if you haven't read their story). Stellan is going to be born today and they could sure use all of our prayers. Another blogger has set up a prayer vigil for them. If you would like to participate go to this link.

Why does it seem so hard to get out of bed in the morning?

Why does it seem so hard to motivate myself into cleaning this house? (It's not like its a big house)

Why does it seem so hard to remember important dates like birthday's and anniversaries?

Why does it seem so hard to open my Bible every day?


Because I am selfish (and lazy). I think about me and what I want to do (or not to do) and I very conveniently find other ways to waste my time.

Today, I am going to do better.

Today, I will put my God first, my family and friends needs above my own. I will even clean the house. And, I know that by doing so, I will feel accomplishment and joy.

Today I will do those things.

Today and hopefully tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate to this post.

    Kristy, I feel like I am getting to know you so much better through your blog and I love it!

    I love the new blog look! I also love that quote you've added! So neat!


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