This morning Ethan brought up toothpicks. I know, what on Earth inspired this burst of randomness? Anyway, this was the conversation:
Ethan: Mom, did you know that Papa doesn't use your toothpicks because he has stuff in his teeth?
Me: No, why does he use them?
Ethan: Because he just wants to use all of them up.
Me: Are you sure he doesn't have stuff in his teeth?
Ethan: Yeah, he told me so. He just wants you to buy more.
Me: (in my head) Is this some diabolical plan to put me into poorhouse? Could it be true that my dad has it out for me and he's using this toothpick scheme to bring it to fruition? Was I that bad as a teenager? Oh, yeah, I was. Ooops.
Ethan: What are those toothpick things called? You know, the things you stick in the cakes?
Me: They are called toothpicks.
Ethan: Oh yeah, but we don't use them to pick teeth, we use them to make cakes.
Kids in general are loads of laughs. On Wednesday nights I work with the Cubbies group at Awana. The Cubbies are 3 and 4 year olds (just so you are aware). Last night during our Bible story time Mr. Martin (our Bible story time leader) asked if anyone knew where Jesus was born. The first answer shouted out was...."Florida". Yup, I said Florida. A few minutes later Mr. Martin asked if anyone knew what a Jew was. Another child (I'm sure it wasn't the same one) said "I want some juice!" and his neighbor said "I'm thirsty too!". Seriously, I couldn't make it up if I tried. It makes me wonder if we are having an impact at all. But then, someone does something that makes me realize we are.
Lastly, tonight me and a few of my friends, Rachel, Rachel and Wendi are going to meet Angie and see the group Selah. I am really excited (I'll try to stay away from caffeine today so I don't scare any of you!). Hopefully we'll get some pictures to post tomorrow (it shouldn't be a problem because we all scrapbook and we all blog which means we all will have our cameras). If you haven't checked out Angie's blog (and if you are reading this here, you probably have because only the three of you listed at the beginning of this paragraph read my blog anyway) you really should. She and her family have gone through a huge loss this year but she is using her grief and her words to bring glory and honor to our savior, Jesus Christ. Her words are inspirational and honest. You will be richly blessed by what she has to say.
Anyway, that's all I've got for today. I hope you have a good one.
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