Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Follow the Letter...

*UPDATE* I can't believe that I forgot BRYAN ADAMS!! Oh my goodness. That should have been number 1. OK, I have 11 things I love that start with "B".

If you want to play, leave a comment on this post letting me know, and I’ll assign you a letter. You write about ten things you love that begin with your assigned letter, and post it at your place. When people comment on your list, you give them a letter, and the chain continues on and on...

A few of my Bloggy Friends have been participating in this fun meme. I thought it sounded like fun so I hopped onto Rachel's comments and asked for a letter. I was hoping for "P" because I already had half of my list figured out if I got that letter but, she gave me "B" and for the last 3 days I have been thinking of things that start with "B" that I love. Well, I finally thought of ten. Here they are, in random order.

  • Books - I love to read. Most of the time I read completely useless novels that have absolutely no redeeming qualities, but once in a while, if I follow the advice of my friends I read something that challenges me.
  • Boys - it started in middle school and has grown from there. I am especially fond of two particular little ones and one rather tall one. I also have a soft spot for cowboys.
  • Birds - I can't wait to see those robins show up in my yard this year. It is one of the first signs of spring (and I'm pretty sure you're all clear on the fact that I'm not in love with winter). I also love listening to them sing in the mornings when the windows are open. That is my favorite way to wake up, no alarms, just bird songs.
  • Blogging - I can't say that I think mine is all that good, but I love to do it and I love to read others. I am often moved to either laughter or tears and sometimes both when I read the stories that you all share. I feel like I have made more friends even if they aren't real life ones. I always thought of it as a way to stay in touch with family and friends that live far away, but then I started thinking of it as the new "pen pal", the other night my father-in-law told me that he viewed it as a diary. Whatever it is, its fun.
  • Buddies - which just doesn't do justice to the friends that I have. I love them and trust them and am so very glad that God has placed them in my life. I have never laughed so hard or felt so broken for anyone as I have for them.
  • Bouncing on a Trampoline - I hadn't had the opportunity to ever bounce on a trampoline until a couple of years ago when Chad & Rachel got theirs. Oh my, I loved it from the start. Of course I can only jump 3 or 4 times and then my legs get all tired and breathing becomes difficult, but it is soooo much fun.
  • Bronzed skin - I know that laying out in the sun and getting a "glow" is frowned upon by doctors everywhere, but I love to have a little summer tan.
  • Booty - of the pirate variety. I have a thing for pirates, not real ones of course, just the adventurous, romantic movie variety. (I didn't know how else to get them on my "B" list, I would have been completely fine if I had gotten "P", but alas...)
  • Blankies - I love blankies. I have a few, my favorite is a green one that I keep on the end of my bed for nap time or reading time or whatever. Even in the summer you will sometimes find me wrapped in a blankie.
  • Be Bold, Be Brave - is the mantra that I spout to Jacob every time he falls apart at the prospect of trying something new. He was not born with his mothers sense of adventure. I have noticed though that I am not all as bold and brave as I'd like to be. I aspire to be and because of that, I have decided to go skydiving for my birthday this year. I am very, very excited about it! And once I actually have it scheduled I am sooo going to put up a little ticker doo-hicky!
OK, if you want to play along just leave me a comment and let me know and I will assign you a letter. This was a lot of fun once I got going. I came up with the last 7 today. I am just a slow starter apparently -- procrastination would also have been on my "P" list ;-)


  1. Love your "B" list. I was given "S". It really stops and makes you think doesn't it??
    Enjoy your day!!

  2. You did just fine with B! If it makes you feel better I had a ramdom list all worked out with my letter (t) and then when I sat down at the computer I discovered that it was supposted to be things I loved. I had to totally re-write my list. Would Pit-Road have been on your p list?

  3. Probably not, but don't tell Curt, he'd be heartbroken.

  4. Krispy, you are just so funny! Laughed SO hard at the booty comment! I was thinking, "Hmm, where is she going with this...?!?!?!" hahahaha Ok you had me laughing :)

    LOVED your list!


Hey Peeps! I hope you enjoyed your visit. Please feel free to leave me comments. I enjoy reading every one!