Monday, February 9, 2009

Update on the Sicky!

Jacob woke up this morning talking more than he has in all the days since Friday. He is not as pasty white as he was and he actually made it from his room to the bathroom to my room and out to the living room without running into or bouncing off of a wall. This my friends is progress. He still hasn't eaten much, but I can be stubborn when I want to be (as my mom and dear friend Rachel can attest) so he will be eating something and actually finishing it before the day is out....

We will be going to the doctor to get another round of antibiotic shots and I'm hoping that today he doesn't throw up the oral antibiotic. But, we are making strides and I just can't tell you how this mommies heart is singing. We appreciate all the prayers and ask that you continue to keep 'em coming!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristy - so glad that Jacob is starting to feel better but I just saw your twitter thing on the side saying that Ethan has it too :( I am so sorry! Poor little guys...and poor you. Praying everyone is healthy soon.


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