Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We are Back From the Doctor...

*Update* Jacob just ate a whole bowl of noodles with white sauce and asked for more! This is the first time he's eaten more than a few crackers since Thursday!! This is a huge answer to prayer.

and all I can say is "Sometimes being a mom sucks!"

The appointment was nothing short of brutal. The good news is that Ethan's Xray came back negative, but she could still hear the crackling in his lungs and although his oxygen levels have come up some, they are not where she would like them. So he is continuing with the treatment plan.

Jacob had his last dose of meds at the office and we are very happy about that. He actually put up a physical fight today. I ended up with him on my lap and had his arms wrapped around him like a straight jacket and his legs pinned under mine. He is still crying about how much it hurts (as is Ethan). I've given them both Tylenol and they are laying down with ice packs on their legs. I'm hoping they both fall asleep. They could use the rest to heal and I could use the rest to recharge my batteries for tonight.

Two days in a row they have gotten the nurse all choked up. I feel really fortunate that we found a doctors office and staff that is not only 3 minutes away from home, but is also filled with genuine compassion and caring for their patients, especially the kids. It's times like this that you really begin to appreciate those traits in the people that are caring for your children.

Jacob is off for the rest of the week from school, but she said he should be back at it on Monday. She just didn't want us to rush him this week. I don't think he's enjoying this time off of school as much as he had hoped...

We are very thankful to all of you who have been praying and sending e-mail messages, phone calls, etc. It means a lot to us to know that our little family is loved in such a big way. Thank you.

Now, its time to recharge those batteries...

1 comment:

  1. oh man :( That must have been so awful. I'm praying they will both be better ASAP. Call if you need anything at all. Love you, friend.


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